
Your Conference Experience
GCSE’s Virtual Conference Begins Tuesday!
The Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE) 2022 Annual Conference begins this Tuesday! This year’s virtual conference honors the legacy of Dr. Thomas Lovejoy, who’s seminal work on biodiversity, conservation science, and climate change inspired this year’s theme. Working with our virtual conference vendor (iCohere), GCSE has curated more than 40 presentations, thought-provoking plenary panels, and keynote armchair discussions. This year GCSE honors three giants of conservation science and biodiversity with the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Awards on June 22 and on June 24 Sir Partha Dasgupta will deliver the John H. Chafee Memorial Lecture on the economics of biodiversity to name just a few esteemed speakers.
This Monday, June 20, you will receive login information via email from our technical conference provider called iCohere. The link will give you immediate access to the conference platform and includes a brief video detailing how to navigate the virtual platform so you can make the most of your GCSE 2022 conference experience. If you don’t see an email, please check your spam or junk folder.
You will have access to the conference 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for the duration of the conference.
Conference Site: https://secure.icohere.com/GCSE-21
Login ID: your registered email
Temporary password: temp4u
Keynote and Plenary Panels: From opening remarks to a series of panels on some of today’s most pressing environmental topics, you won’t want to miss these sessions designed for all.
Concurrent Sessions: GCSE has invited dozens of speakers on a broad range of biodiversity, conservation, and climate change topics; see the full agenda to create your own schedule.
Flash Talks: Flash talks are short presentations on a variety of topics designed to quickly engage the audience. Speakers will present briefly, then answer attendees’ questions at the end.
Poster Hall. We have virtual posters and recorded presentations showcased in our poster gallery. Be sure to browse their work, watch video recordings, or chat with some of them live.
ConverSketch. We are excited to welcome Karina Branson of ConverSketch to capture the essence of keynote and plenary discussions during GCSE 2022 through live illustrations; check her work out during the breaks or in the Illustration and Nature Sound Gallery.
Daily Office Hours with GCSE. From 9 to 10 am EDT June 21-24, GCSE Director of Programs and Membership Pam Mendelson will be available for live conversations and to answer your questions about GCSE programs and priorities via Zoom (link provided to you via the GCSE 2022 iCohere site).
Technical Issues? If at any time during the week you have questions or difficulty access the site or the live sessions, please email erin@gcseglobal.org.
Spread the Word. It’s not too late for your colleagues to register. All attendees from GCSE member institutions are free!